Monday, August 1, 2011

Jan/Feb 1972 (My 1st year of teaching--AJHS)

Dear Lynn
About time I dropped you a line--First Off--I want to thank you again for the records & Sky and Scape (sp?) mag. as well as the birthday card all were very much appreciated and typifies your thoughtfulness--
If I could spell I'd be dangerous--better do more letter writing before I forget how to spell my name---I'll breeze thru the news items first--probably repetitive with some of Laurie's & Monm's letters--Lil left Annies & Nick Sat. to go out to farm with Hazel Downhill--Got out there and wound up coming back with Hazel Sat Nite or Sun--much to the surprise of all--Guess she couldn't stay away from the new colored T.V. at Grandma's house--
No one is sure how long she is staying this time---
Meanwhile -at the Farm--The beagle had pups some time or other and they are out in the Barn--We haven't seen them yet but expect to go out some time this week--
Beth pulling a B-ave was great--However I wasn't to surprised as she is constantly sure she is doing bad in school--even at S.H.S. but usueally manages to luck out one way or another.
Lauries is still a big help around the house and is a lot of fun to have around--She picks a few beauts for friends but never could select your friends or Beths --so I guess I can't pick here either---
Frankie's Hideaway had two fires the same week--both of suspicious origin. Matter of fact they had just about decided the first one was real fishy and the second one came along and wiped out everything total loss--seem as tho there was traces of dynamite in second fire--The place was insured for $85,000.00--His annual premium was $32000.00
General consensus is split--half figure he set it or had it set and other half figure he isn't paying his dues to the Maffia--Either way most folks feel its too bad he wasn't in it when it blew--
Business is still slow--all kinds of bids that keep me figuring and working on plans but no more signed--we will finish those two rooms we've been working on since the 1st of year this week. They are coming out real good--I've got two houses to figure to build in Suffield both look pretty sure--a third one is still in the early talking stages--I suppose they all will break the same time when the Garage Additions start coming thru.
I also had an appointment with Mr. Pilch (sp?) He has a plot of land he would like me to take and build custom built homes on. An interesting proposition but I think its more than I can swing & it would mean butting heads with Ledger Starr and I don't think I'm ready to tangle with him yet--However P sent me the plot plan of about 60 acres of choice building land and said to make him an offer--of any kind and he would consider it--He just sold his half of the chicken business for two million dollars cash! --and he wants me to make him an offer!
I told him I'd be glad to do all the labor and planning if he retained the property and bought all the material.
The weather has been fantastic--Warm most of the time--very windy righ now--think it will get cold tonight. It will surely turn to winter soon as I finish this inside work and start something outside.
Mother has been feeling rather punk for about two weeks now--stayed home two days last week--but seems to be perking up a little bit yesterday and today. I think she has been fighting the flu bug and never really got it nor got rid of it either.
Enclosed is the AAA slip of paper--Hold it until the rest of the stuff comes--It has a lot of benefits--I took it out for Mother from Arnold Hubble (sp?) and he have us such a good deal on it that i told him to set you up as an associate member. The price he gave us was less his commission I think--only way it could have been as low as that.
In case of Flat Tire--Stuck--Off the road--Car won't start--Car conks out--just call a triple A garage and there will be no charge to get you running again or towed to a garage where a definite mechanical failure could be fixed--In addition they would act as bail bond for any out of state traffic violation an many other benefits to be described in the literature that either they or we will send you meanwhile this white slip will be your membership card--
I'll also enclose your deposit slip 5 83 and a squirelly tax form from Marietta
I hope all is going well in your own room 222 at school--Don't get too addicted to your television set--Keep up outside activity--We have decided to ration television hours to so many hours per week. We have been wasting too much time lately, all three of us--and worst part is that we just watch anything that is on--even if its nothing we really want to see--So we will try this system for a while--
Well I have to run now--I'll try to be a little more regular in my letter writing. By the way did you happen to see "Downhill Racer" on T.V. if you did--How did it End--I fell asleep as he was putting on his goggles for the down hill race at the olympics! Woke up and the news was on---
Lots of Love from All of us and thanks again for being you. Dad
P.S. Say hi to Sammy! (my cat)

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