Monday, August 1, 2011

May or June 1971--Before My College Graduation

Dear Lynn Wed. noon
Just a hurried note to enable me to catch the morning mail. Am at home--goofing off with a tummyache. The weather is miserable so have decided to take it easy today & stay in & catch up on my rest.
Grandpa & Lil stopped in last night for supper. They had taken Wilda to the airport--her first flight--she is going to help her mother for a few weeks. She should be out there near graduation time.
In regard to your suitcase--it might be a good idea to send it by bus--know the car will be loaded!
Do you have any deposit slips? Probably won't have need of any, but send them along.
Hope you've recovered from your burn. You sounded busy--per usual. Doesn't seem possible you'll be through school.
Do you have shoes for graduation?
Really no news--Dad has finished up at Snowbound and should be starting another garage today.
Ruth McD. called me to see if Wendy had stayed in the hosp.--? of appendix. Still don't know if they operated or not.
Guess you might have a visitor this weekend--if finances hold out!
Much love from us all--Laurie makes her confirmation this Sun--Left the church booklet at work (had brought it down to mail it) but will send it.
Much love & good Luck.
PS How's the love life?
PS again - Do you have the negative of Dee & Kerryl? Would like to send them a picture--

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